Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June's Pictures

I really hope June isn't going to set the bar for how fast summer is going to pass! Between house showings, Florida, selling the house, building a house, preparing to pack and move...this month flew by!! With all of the rain we have received this month, there also weren't many days we were out and about or at the pool enjoying the warmer weather. Lyla is officially potty trained!! Wooohooo for only one in diapers! So far (knock on wood) we have only had one small accident! Kately is talking all the time - and sometimes we can understand her! ;) This really is one of my favorite ages where you can see her little brain absorbing everything around her and her personality is showing more than ever! Here are some pics of our crazy month!

Sweet girl


Pouring our basement!

Too cool for school

When you have house showings in the morning, sometimes it is Chinese takeout on the patio for the win!


Just waiting on her pancakes...

We went out for pizza one night and someone didn't want to sit in her highchair, she wanted to snuggle her mama!

Ok, you win!

A guy I used to teach with let me know he was having a garage sale and selling a gently used Frozen Castle - THE BEST $20 I EVER SPENT! Such a deal, especially when it still retails for about $100. Thank you, Doug, I have a happy girl!

I had sent Heath this pic one night when he was working late. This is why I'm so thankful he usually bathes the girls! For some reason the bathroom floor and I always end up soaked!! 

There is our foundation!

The wood has arrived...let's start framing!

Proud of her underwear! (We did have to have the conversation that while it is fun to wear underwear - it isn't appropriate to SHOW everyone. Especially strangers at the grocery store...)

Who doesn't put on all of their jewels first thing in the morning??

Nothing better than sweet snuggles before bed!

Painting fun

She is the Queen of My heart!


Someone is loving her gym class!

Lyla now maybe naps only a couple of times a week. Sometimes rather than napping, she prefers to take her clothes off and put pull-ups on her head... Oh, Lyla!!

For our anniversary I got Heath tickets to the Cards/Cubs game.

Fun night and the Cards won!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to this guy!!

We love you so much, Daddy, and are so grateful for all you do for us!

After church we took Daddy out for lunch...

Then to celebrate this girl keeping her underwear dry, we all went to ride the carousel!

Lyla, we are so proud of you! Someone had told me to just wait on the potty training and when she is ready she will do it. That is exactly how it went for us - Thanks be to God!! When we were in our condo in Florida all of the sudden Lyla would tell us when she had to use the bathroom. Luckily this carried over once we returned home. We went to Target and bought some new underwear and the rest is history!

We love you, Daddy! Hope you had a great day!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Kately Rene

A couple of months ago I paid a photographer to come take Kately's one year pictures and to also snap a few of the girls with the house before it sold. This little stinker did not smile for a SINGLE picture that day! So I decided to try and snap a few myself...but I didn't have any better luck. Kately, you are so funny and smile and laugh all the time - unless someone pulls a camera out! Here are some of my pictures...


Just for fun, here are a couple I paid for...

I do love this one though

Of course big sis is always ready to model...