My little cupcake
Tummy time stare down
Enjoying some jello outside
Look at that big grin!!
Taking her baby and puppy for a walk
Kately's first time sitting in the Bumbo (notice in the background someone isn't too excited to share HER seat)
And full out tantrum! Kately couldn't understand what was happening
We finally got sis to calm down for a picture
Holding your head up is exhausting!
My little artist
Talking to Mommy
I love how she gets in her car and then says, "See-ya, Mom. Have a good day!"
Shelling some peas from Grandpa & Grandma
However, she wanted to eat them right away! I craved peas when I was pregnant with her and she still LOVES them
Dinner on the patio
Pretty girl
These two!
Don't mess with her ball!
Closing deals
This girl loves her some water!
Just hanging out with Mom
Shooting some hoops in gym class
Lyla's favorite restaurant, Qdoba
Feeding our babies on our boppies
Love this! She kept stealing my boppy while I was nursing Kately so Heath found an old neck pillow that has worked perfectly for her to "nurse" her baby :)
Trying to introduce her to the potty
Playdate at the park with our friend Sam
Sweet snuggles
Going for a ride with Daddy, Heaven help me!!
Erica and Jason came to visit!
Us ladies hung out by the pool while the men golfed
Waiting patiently for the mailman
He came!
Our little Vet
Homegirl loves Grandpa's corn on the cob
Heath and I had just been talking about what we should do with the dead tree in our yard...some stranger in a white car decided to take care of it for us. Luckily I had just brought the girls inside, we had been outside swinging and playing, when I heard a loud bang. I got to the window to see what happened just in time to see some young guy jump into his car and take off.
Looks like they are up to something...
Tummy time
Husking corn
Happy Girl
Hanging out poolside