Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Out and About

It is true what they say about the second child! With Lyla I was a nervous wreck about germs and taking her out in public for a long time. Kately has now been out and about more at 3 weeks than Lyla was at 2 months. I know it also has to do with the fact we have a toddler who wants to go, go, go! Daddy finally took a day off of work and we were able to go to the zoo. Then over the weekend we went to watch the Blue Angels put on an air show. It has been a lot of fun spending time with my little family :)
Checking out the sea lions

Once again she had no idea she left the house

Daddy was having a lot of fun

Waiting for the air show...we didn't realize we'd be waiting for two hours due to the fact we sat about 2 miles from the air field and the first two hours of the show were all planes flying right over the air field doing tricks. Lyla could not see the planes very well so it was a long wait for the jets

Trying to keep a toddler entertained in the heat for two hours during nap time was quite a challenge!

Finally some action we could see!

Of course by this time Lyla was exhausted and the jets were too loud...maybe next year, and we'll show up two hours later :)

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