Saturday, November 30, 2013

Baby #2 is a...

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving we had our big ultrasound for baby #2. Thank God, everything looked great and the baby is healthy. We were also able to find out the sex…it's a GIRL!! Sorry, Daddy, you are even more outnumbered! We are so excited and so thankful she is healthy. I can't wait to watch my two little girls grow up together…and we will get to reuse all of those hair bows!!

Revealing to Grandpa Peters

Revealing to Grandpa & Grandma Warner

She has no idea what all this means :)

Leah is excited about another girl in the family

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had such a great Thanksgiving this year. It was so nice spending time with both sides of our family and being able to see some close friends. We definitely have a lot to be thankful for this year. Lyla really enjoyed her first Thanksgiving feast, last year she did not get to partake. We ate Thanksgiving lunch with the Peters' family and then went to my mom's side for dinner. On Friday my mom, sisters, and I did our annual Black Friday shopping and then on Saturday we had the McCombs' family Thanksgiving/Christmas. A lot of family, a lot of food, a lot of fun. What could be better?!?

Playing peek-a-boo at breakfast with Grandpa Peters

 Ready for Turkey Day!

Helping Uncle Doug & Aunt Cindy cook

Loving meal #1

Quick nap on the way to Thanksgiving #2

Playing with Ev

Love these babies

Reading with Grandpa

It was hilarious watching her try to jump on the trampoline

Ev's first Turkey Day :)

Bring on meal #2

Playing "Horsey" with Grandpa

These two were in charge of the dishes

Happy Belated Birthday, Grandpa!

On Saturday Lyla got to meet her new friend, Tenley. Congrats Molly & Tim, she is beautiful!

McCombs' Family Thanksgiving/Christmas

She loved her new toy, we were amazed she even knew it was a phone…not quite the iPhone version she is used to :)

Playing with her cousins


All the cousins!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Leaves, Leaves, Leaves

When we first saw our house, before we bought it almost four years ago, I immediately fell in love with the mature trees in our front yard. I loved how pretty they looked, the shade they would provide, and the thought of one day hanging a baby swing from one of the limbs. We moved into our house in April 2010 and it wasn't until that fall we realized how "fun" two huge Sweet Gum trees can be. Between the thousands of gum balls that fall from the limbs (which means this country girl cannot even walk barefoot in her own yard) and the insane amount of leaves that clog the gutters and completely cover the yard, these two beautiful trees are A LOT of work. However, I decided to take advantage of all of the leaves and take Lyla out to play in them before Daddy cleaned them all up. She had a lot of fun crunching them in her hands and thought it was hilarious when I would grab a pile and let them fall on her head. Here are a few pics of our fun :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekend Back Home

This past weekend we made the trip home to see Grandpa and Jackie before they took off to Florida for the winter (I'm so mad I didn't take any pictures of Lyla with them before they left). It was great to see them, we will definitely miss them! It is also crazy to think I could have another child the next time I see them… We had a lot of fun seeing family and celebrating Mom's retirement, wohoo! Grandpa was even kind enough to save a couple of rows of corn to combine for Lyla to help finish this year's harvest. Like always, we had a great time and are always sad at how fast the weekend goes when we are home.

Playing some Connect Four
Ready for the combine ride

Grandpa even let her drive the last round! She LOVED it

Trying to get a "girl picture" but someone wasn't too happy

Sweet Noah or as Lyla calls him "No-No"

At The Factory for Mom's retirement dinner
It was quite the party!

 Grandpa's Girl

She loves her Great-Grandma

Starting the 2nd Trimester!