Friday, November 1, 2013

October's Pictures

October has been a fun month. Lyla is now not only walking but also RUNNING! I love watching her run to Daddy when he gets home from work or watching him chase her around the upstairs. She still takes quite a few tumbles, but she is quick! We had a major scare around the beginning of the month when she took a tumble down the upstairs. She was trying to grab a cat toy and she lost her balance and literally bounced off every step. I think it was more scary for Mommy to watch and not be able to catch her in time until she reached the bottom. She seemed fine - thank goodness - besides a few bumps and bruises so I didn't take her to the hospital. Some of her favorite things to do right now is chase Hank and Harley around the house and help me unload the dishwasher. She will hand me one piece of silverware at a time to put in the drawer and says "dank-you"every time. :) We enjoyed Halloween and are looking forward to the rest of the upcoming holidays!

Big girl on the stairs

For her St. Louis birthday party we asked friends not to bring a gift but instead to donate a new or used children's book to the Kingdom House. We had been waiting for a friend to drop their's off so we were finally able to take them to KH. This is Lyla with all of the books before we went. 

Happy little cowgirl

Story Time with Jude Fleck

Playing with all the kids and toys after Story Time

The picture doesn't do this justice, but you can see her biggest bump/bruise on her forehead after she fell down the stairs :(

So true

Fire Safety week at Story Time

She and Jude got to explore a fire truck and an ambulance

Happy breakfast girl

This is what happens when Daddy and Lyla go to the toy store without Mommy, they return home with a monster truck cozy coupe

Helping Daddy put it together

And she's off!


Every day for about a week she would go into my closet and pull this exact shirt off of the hanger and have to wear it around all day…I'm afraid we may have a diva on our hands!

Shopping with Mommy and Aunt Kara wore her out :)

I was sitting on the couch beside Lyla trying to peel and chop apples for homemade applesauce (this preggo was too tired to stand at the counter so I sat on the couch, probably not the best decision!!) and someone kept snatching the apples...

Another favorite activity, organizing Mommy's nail polish

Ready to cheer on her Cardinals in the World Series!

This picture is for my mom and sisters, remember this face!?! He is still just as friendly

Goofy girl eating her O's on a Sunday morning with Daddy

Working on a Halloween art project

Her other masterpiece ;)

We are also in the middle of a basement remodel. We are so excited to have this finished soon so Lyla can have a playroom downstairs (and our upstairs won't look so much like a daycare!).

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